Friday, June 12, 2015


       This is a continuation of my efforts
to share a manuscript of mystical writings
I call the Clifftop Writings.
       At the time of writing these passages
I was convinced I was writing the
New Testament of the Lord of Hosts.
        I ask you to reserve judgment
on what these writings might be. Even
though I have moved on in my life,
I have not moved that far along... I
know these writings are too fine
to be destroyed.


  (C) 1974 to 2015 by W.G.Milne and
         by the Author.
   The paragraph and word order is maintained
    on the typed page as it was in the manuscript,
    written mostly in pencil. Ballpoint pens
     often don't work in freezing or windy
             Most of the clifftop writings were
      written outside. I wrote in a variety of
       notebooks, keeping several pencils
       in the breast pocket in my tweed
       coat and vests. I wrote with a pencil
       in one hand and "The Nag Hammadi
       Library", edited by James. M. Robinson,
       in my other hand. I always started
        meditating on a passage on one of the
        fifty-two holy books contained in that
             When words became the Word,
       I didn't have time to go back inside
       the hut to get supplies. So I sharpened
       the pencils again and again on the granite
       rock of the Laurentian Shield. 

Clifftop Writings:

"The poet knew that he had
            tasted the Mind of God
He had been taught and schooled
             by the Lord on cliff tops,
promontories into deep lakes
and wild seas. In many such
places the Lord of Hosts revealed
the eternal presence of His seeing
in His holy light.
           The poet had been astounded
repeatedly and anointed as a prophet
of the Lord, through none of his own
doing, but by Grace only.
            That all things are of God:
matter and soul and spirit originate
in Him, and all returns to Him.

All is in the crystal shower
of the incandescent throne,
The holy fountain that erupts
and subsides again: the awareness
which is the eye of the seashell
And of the hurricane and the tornado:
The burning blaze at the heart
Of the atom; the restless charge
That leaps throughout the adhesion
Of molecules; the pure eye of the
Baby child newly in her cradle:
The leap of a bright butterfly off a
          summer branch,
The yellow eye of the sun
The eye for which all all time
                            is present
The past and the future exist
To the Mind of God:

"I see Moses in his day and
Adam and the birth of my son
In whom I am well pleased;
I am Alpha, Omega, and I am
the unity of the Universe."

"I am  the living and fiery essence
         that burns in the light of the stars;
  I am the white light of holy dreams
         and realities,
The chastity of the bride
The white wedding of the Mind;
I am the poet's poetry
The prophecy of the sage
I am the potter,
You are my clay:
I give to you, even this
New heaven and earth
Born again in this page;
Verily I say
And listen carefully to
          this phrase:

'I do not send my Son
To be crucified among men:
Rather now, in this new age
Behold him in whom I am well
Even here, the fructification
          of my seed,
The Seed of David in this new age now
          men shall be
Crucified upon the Christ
In this age, and through these
The second coming has come,'
The father says.
So it is written
So shall it be."

The poet lay down his head
          and gave thanks to the Lord
For His holiness, His chapel of light
The sight of a star across worlds
          from a holy promontory
To another, sun beckons to intergalactic sun
           to son;
The poet thanks God, Lord of hosts
That he should live to see
            this day.

For it had been foretold by the
It had been spoken by the Father
That the prophet should not
             live to see
The flowering of this prophecy;
Yet the world would come to see
The blossoming of his poetry.



The fact of the matter - it doesn't matter what I am
- this talk about prophet or poet, it misses the
point. It's not about me.
I was concerned about the weight of the manuscript on my own shoulders,
that I had to finish it and share it before I died.
      I prayed to the Holy One and asked
what I was to do to protect the Grace
contained in this book.
        The answer that came, without a word
being spoken was this... the answer to my
prayer was:

"Grace is not contained in any book.
Grace is mine alone," sayeth the Lord.
" I am the Lord of Abraham,  I AM,
I AM THAT I AM.  I alone am the source of
Grace. I alone may bestow it."

        So I needen't have worried about my own
status. The best way to convey my status
is to remember the words also of the Lord God:


        This is what I am. And this also is what
I am not.

I know longer know what all of this
means - likely, I never did know.
For a wind blew through me,
And blew the cherries from the trees.

                              (C)1990-2015 by W.G.Milne

Thursday, April 2, 2015




          We all face times of great doubt and times when our bad habits get us down. This is normal. In fact, it is necessary to doubt greatly
if one is to come to great realization. Without first having the question, there can be no answer.
It is needed that the small mind, the mind of so-called rational thought, find its own limitations. This is likened to the old gray rat
going into the dead-end alley, the place where analytical questioning
must end.
                    A higher faculty of mind must take over when one seeks answers to
questions about human meaning. The question is: “What is the meaning of life?” This question used to torment me when I was
a young man. And the answer will not be provided by the rational
               The difficulty with Western Philosophy is: it creates a problem where none exists.
             In the East this higher faculty of mind is called prajna and its activity seems to takes place in an area behind the center of the
forehead. It has also been called the third eye.
And this is the place of spiritual reasoning.
            I undertook to do an inquiry into Christian Origins. And it seems as if I have gotten to the bottom of things. This is the most difficult assignment your Roving Reporter has ever been sent on/ sent himself on.
            Jesus Christ grew out of the Essene community. If you wish to research the Essenes, John Allegro has a blog that touches upon
them. I should say, “A man called Jesus Christ” because the history of the matter is unclear.
           Christ is important, not because he was a highly special God-man who performed miracles. No, these notions just make the
Christ a hot property which the church could monopolize for
incredible profit, cash, and respect in the community. In fact,
the Christ is important because he is so ordinary: that this
wondrous Vision of God came out of the poverty of the ordinary man.
         And the Vision is one of love and knowledge. It might take
blind faith to get to the place where the Vision exists; but it
takes a knowing experience in order to realize the Vision.
Christ is more important as a state of Mind than He is as
a particular person who lived two thousand years ago.
I put capitals on words pertaining to Christ, because
once the Mind that is Christ is realized, it is the Vision of God.
         Out of the ordinary soul, there is thisVision that is divine.This material ends up being very simple. As Father Belyea used to say: “Nobody sees the obvious.”
But what is indeed miraculous is that this Heart-Mind
that spans the centuries comes out of the most ordinary soil.
And what changes the ordinary into the divine?
        This is the same
question as, “What is the Meaning of Life?” Or, “What’s
going on?” Let us call the agency that transforms the ordinary into the divine, let us call it, “the Eucharist.”
But it is not the eucharist you will be offered in church.
Or at least not in what passes for church in this day and age.
The mystery has been taken out of our religion. The Bible has been emasculated.
         It has gotten so bad that the church has negated
the very existence of the Great Realization.
This is the very heart of what the earliest Christians were
confronting, as they were emerging out of the Essene community:
the mystery as to how this man they knew as an ordinary man
in the very midst of them became the Son of God.
They knew he was the carpenter’s son, from Galilee. And who believes a prophet that comes from your own town? You knew him
when he was growing up and when he did really stupid things.
         As it says in the Bible: “Can anything good come out of Galilee?” Well, something did.

       The other day I heard a song from Jamaica, and the singer was assuring his people that “Revelation will come.” Well,
it has come and it is here. And any ordinary person can
put him/herself in that place where Revelation will come.
But first it is necessary to empty a place within you.
Empty yourself of the monkey-like mind that always
has another thought; empty yourself of erroneous thought.
Empty yourself of ignorance which is like a fog that prevents you from seeing. In fact, empty yourself of everything you
have ever been taught.
         Prepare a place within you and Grace will come. And
in that place, Christ will arrive also. And Christ is the Vision
that is the Meaning of the Eternal.
         “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.”
(Gospel of Thomas)
         Jesus said: “If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed
at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty.”
        What I am saying to you, you will not hear it in the churches
of this day. You would have had to live in the first century A.D. in order to hear this – the earliest message of the one who is called Christ.
        Rather than go to church, open a church, a temple within you. Open an empty place and tend it as you would a loved one’s grave. Be patient and wait, and I assure you… the sacred will come.
         Join me. For in this church, the doors can never be locked.
        This is the church of the open road.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


         I didn't write this on the cliff top, I wrote this in jail.
I copied the first bit from the apostle Paul. If Paul
wrote this, he's better than I thought he was.
        I believe the first verse is from Ephesians 4. I'm
not comparing myself to Paul: but I believe
he was in jail, also, when he wrote Ephesians.

In my book at, "Most Ancient Gospel Found Anew, The Second Coming of Christ," I made the argument that the miraculous discovery of ancient Gospels
which now are new to us - 2000 years after the death of Christ - the discovery in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, Egypt - this event is the advent of the arising once again
of Christ Consciousness. The arising once again of the fullness of the Mind
of Christ - no one believed me at the time.
                But much has happened since then. I made the statement ten years ago.
So many developments have taken place since then, that it's rather difficult to argue
against what is happening, if you are knowledgeable in these events;
there is no recourse but to be amazed, and to give thanks for the stupendous
miracle that is occurring in the Christian world: that this is how the Second
Coming of Christ actually is taking place!
                O Holy One, we praise thee.
                Thank you for your gifts,
                 Thank you for your Grace.

        In the fullness of Christ and
God who is above all, and through all
and in you all,  we may come
speaking the truth in love,
perfecting the saints;
we may grow up into him
in all things, which is the head,
even Christ. 'Til we come unto
a perfect man - the fullness of Christ,
who is the son of God and one
with God.                   (Ephesians 4)


        This is the Word of the Lord  of hosts,
a forgiveness to the poet
and a bounty to you Christians
of the new covenant, a fountain 
of peace unto eternal life.
      As you have promised us
Father, I see your promise is
real and true, redemption is here
forever in your light, if only
we find the strength to come to you.
        This is the mercy you have given
us that takes away absolutely the
sting of death. For death has no
dominion in the Kingdom of the Lord.
We are in your kingdom when we are in
your light.
        O brothers, I feel you with me
across the ages in this  vessel
of God.
        These are words of travelling souls
as we travel free and safe always...
across the ocean of death.

          You took me up in your tender arms
 and lifted me. A hermit, you gave me
a community of love. Saints and angels
kiss my forehead in the
darkness of utter night. O Jesus
Christ, strengthen and bolster your poor
nerve-shot poet, you enable me to swim
and write in the waters of your Word.

         In this instant I write with the 
mercy of the Lord, even in this
jail I travel with you, across the
river of forgetfulness and the ocean
of death.
        Thank you, Father, for your Grace, 
thank you for the gifts you give to us
and thank you for the strength 
 you bequeath.

        Without your strength
I am  a dried  husk blown away 
on the autumn wind.
        Thank you for the fuel
and thank you for the strength
you give to me.

         During the mystical events that took place
month after month on the cliff top,
in the wind over the lakes, these words
were given me:

"I shall not send my son again,
 To be crucified in the world of men;
  Rather men shall be crucified
  Upon the Christ."

(C)2013 by W.G. Milne

Thursday, January 22, 2015



"For most of us, there is only the unattended
Moment, the movement in and out of time,
The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all..."               T.S. Eliot

 "The future is a faded song."


"You know you might find a new country,
You know you might find a new country.
One step forward might take you back
To me."
                                                John Rock


"Missing me one place, search another,
  I stop somewhere waiting for you."
                                  Leaves of Grass


  "Cleave a piece of wood, I am there.
  Lift up a stone and you shall find me there."
                                 The Gospel of Thomas

         We all come from different environments. Different
journeys have brought us to this one place we are
right now - conscious, half-conscious, unconscious or otherwise... Some of us might be asleep and we have
come here in a dream. It matters not.  We, all of us, 
are living in the dream time.
              And yet we are right here, so we are
interconnected. I have come to this place through a
process of free association, as quoted above. I don't
wish to make any arguments or make any
              This process of free association - from
one image to another, from one symbol to another -
this is the true time travel.
           The greatest frontier, the final
frontier is the land within.  Don't be
discouraged when I say this. The land
within is vast and endless and as free
as you yourself let it be.
           There are distant beaches and
seven seas - right here. Here mind meets
mind, and we can hear what has been
said across the centuries. Here we
can hear what has been said.
           (Without the limiting lies
that have been spoken to control us.)
            Here we can travel between
the galaxies.

                                  (C)2014 by W.G. Milne

Thursday, January 8, 2015



             Followers of the Way, seek not so much
to be like Christ as to be Christ, for He is
the one who speaks the Truth within you.
      Seekers after Truth, know that "Truth"
is just a name for what you are. Do you need
to search into history to find your soul? The
ancient voice is also new. Know the voice
within you.
       It is better to sit in your own house
with the doors  closed and hear the voice
of the silence, the source of the rivers,
than to go running around outside looking
for something else to satisfy you for a
time. There is no satisfaction in the
       It is better to rise before dawn
and climb to a hilltop and pray, cleansing
your mind of the miscellany of your daily
affairs, looking down at the town below,
seek to know the light within. The Father
and all the earth will support your feet.
        Know that it will take ten years
to begin this Task.
        Who is writing this? Who is reading
this? Know the man behind the mask. This
man spans the centuries.
        Folowers of the Christ, why do you go
running about, desperately searching
everywhere? Why do you look in ancient books
and not in yourselves? If you allow your 
light to shine within you, you will see
you are not so different from what you seek.
You will know that in your heart. body and
soul you do not differ from Christ.
        Therefore take courage. Your deliverance
is at hand. Redemption exists for you. But all
kinds of falsehood has been preached by the
churches. Seek the emerald eye within you.
Learn your Name in the midst of fleeting appearances.
        The authorities, once the keepers of the
keys, have lost the door to the Kingdom.
Therefore do not be deceived, but follow 
the voice you trust. All is not as it has

        Said the poet:
         "I will take you up to the mountain
where there is no ruling authority nor
tyrant, and I will show you the intelligence
at the heart of things."
          "As long as your mind is full of the
darkness of hierarchies, the lust for
societal position, the desires of the
ego, the busyness of affairs, this
darkness: the light which you wait for
will not be."
           "He is one in the same: he who reveals
and he  who seeks."   (C)2000 by W.G.Milne
                               Gnostic Christian Church  
                                                                                 of Ontario


 Some words of explanation.
      The above writing is taken from the manuscript
I call  'the Clifftop Writings'. There are a lot of passages in these writings and I intend to present them to you verbatim, with very little editing. Some of these writings are vibrant and very intense.
      In the quest to realize God within you, realize the heart and consciousness of  Christ within you, it won't be very often you walk around and embody the vision yourself for days. But there will
be moments of utter knowing. There may be a time you experience the foundation experience, utter ego annihilation in the Mind of Christ. If you do, this experience will be the foundation of your being.
You will never forget it. You might doubt everything else in your life, but you will never be able to doubt
the realization experience. It becomes the bedrock of your being. You will have undergone a change of identity.
      Christ is your ultimate identity, so realization is possible. We have always been at one with God.
It just takes a long journey to arrive at where you have always been. It takes a long journey to arrive
at where you are... to know yourself.
      The journey to yourself is made much more difficult by the Disneyland teachings of most
of the churches - doctrines that have been invented
for the sake of convenience. (The Truth is always
inconvenient in a consumer society) Doctrines
have also been invented out of the greed of certain churchmen.
       A priest has never been essential to intervene
between you and God. We have always been able to
apprehend Christ ourselves.
        This has  been the path of the earliest Christians, often called the Gnostics. Their goal has always been  the knowing experience, Gnosis, knowing the Truth within, realizing your ultimate nature, realizing yourself.

            (C)2014 by W.G. Milne
                           Gnostic Christian Church of Ontario,