"He who drinks the bubbling waters from my mouth
Shall become as I am. and I shall be he,
And the hidden things shall be revealed to him."
This is a core teaching for the earliest Christians, Gnostic Christians. It also shows a Buddhist influence.(Joseph Campbell remarked on this) Thomas was the disciple who went to India. Also, there were Buddhist monks in the middle east.
In reality, the two religions are not as far apart as they have been portrayed to be. The Christ, "teacher", "master" as expressed in the Gospel of Thomas is witness to this fact. The Gospel of Thomas is largely made up of question and answer sessions between disciples and Christ the "Master."
Question: "Where is the kingdom of heaven?"
Answer: "If you think it is in the sky, the birds will precede you. If you think it is in the sea, the fish will precede you.
The Kingdom of heaven is spread out upon the earth and men see it not."
The Gospel of Thomas.
The similarity to question and answer sessions between Zen master and monks - is striking to me.
In fact, when Christ was teaching (He may in fact have been called "The Teacher of Righteousnes", a leader from the Essene community - crucified approximately 65 B.C) He was teaching both exoteric and esoteric forms
of his teaching. The article below, "lies vs actuality" touches more on his esoteric teachings, which the Gnostics were very aware of..."the secret teachings", which the Roman Church refused to assimilate.
February 3 at 6:02am
Notes for THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS group on Facebook (cont.)
"This is the gospel of the one who was searched for. And the seeker,
once enlightened, can no longer be found."
When Christ "healed the blind", he was bringing light to the darkness of their oblivion. He was giving them 'enlightenment'.
"The dead went to Jerusalem and did not find what they sought. So they returned to Alexandria, and started asking questions of me." Basilides.
When Jesus "raised the dead" - 'the dead' were the ones who had not as yet found realization. Gnosis means knowledge - the earliest Christians were searching for the "Knowing" experience.
Walker Ballantine
February 3 at 5:43am - From: my LIES and ACTUALITY article
But this was not your purpose - to be a special exceptional hero on behalf of the temporal authorities. Your purpose was to dissolve into the seeker and have the seeker dissolve into you, until there were not two identities, but only one.
This is the meaning of holy communion. It is the meaning of the Eucharist as well.
"He was nailed to a tree and he became fruit of the knowledge. It did not, however, cause destruction because it was eaten, but to those who ate it,
it gave cause to become glad in the discovery, and he discovered them in
in himself, and they discovered him in themselves."
Walker Ballantine - W.G. Milne
"The holy of the holies is the Bridal Chamber." Gospel of Philip.
"The world is a corpse-eater. All the things eaten in it themselves die also. Truth is a life eater, therefore no one nourished by truth will die"
Gospel of Philip.
"He who drinks the bubbling waters from my mouth
Shall become as I am. and I shall be he,
And the hidden things shall be revealed to him."
This is a core teaching for the earliest Christians, Gnostic Christians. It also shows a Buddhist influence.(Joseph Campbell remarked on this) Thomas was the disciple who went to India. Also, there were Buddhist monks in the middle east.
In reality, the two religions are not as far apart as they have been portrayed to be. The Christ, "teacher", "master" as expressed in the Gospel of Thomas is witness to this fact. The Gospel of Thomas is largely made up of question and answer sessions between disciples and Christ the "Master."
Question: "Where is the kingdom of heaven?"
Answer: "If you think it is in the sky, the birds will precede you. If you think it is in the sea, the fish will precede you.
The Kingdom of heaven is spread out upon the earth and men see it not."
The Gospel of Thomas.
The similarity to question and answer sessions between Zen master and monks - is striking to me.
In fact, when Christ was teaching (He may in fact have been called "The Teacher of Righteousnes", a leader from the Essene community - crucified approximately 65 B.C) He was teaching both exoteric and esoteric forms
of his teaching. The article below, "lies vs actuality" touches more on his esoteric teachings, which the Gnostics were very aware of..."the secret teachings", which the Roman Church refused to assimilate.
February 3 at 6:02am
Notes for THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS group on Facebook (cont.)
"This is the gospel of the one who was searched for. And the seeker,
once enlightened, can no longer be found."
When Christ "healed the blind", he was bringing light to the darkness of their oblivion. He was giving them 'enlightenment'.
"The dead went to Jerusalem and did not find what they sought. So they returned to Alexandria, and started asking questions of me." Basilides.
When Jesus "raised the dead" - 'the dead' were the ones who had not as yet found realization. Gnosis means knowledge - the earliest Christians were searching for the "Knowing" experience.
Walker Ballantine
February 3 at 5:43am - From: my LIES and ACTUALITY article
But this was not your purpose - to be a special exceptional hero on behalf of the temporal authorities. Your purpose was to dissolve into the seeker and have the seeker dissolve into you, until there were not two identities, but only one.
This is the meaning of holy communion. It is the meaning of the Eucharist as well.
"He was nailed to a tree and he became fruit of the knowledge. It did not, however, cause destruction because it was eaten, but to those who ate it,
it gave cause to become glad in the discovery, and he discovered them in
in himself, and they discovered him in themselves."
Walker Ballantine - W.G. Milne
"The holy of the holies is the Bridal Chamber." Gospel of Philip.
"The world is a corpse-eater. All the things eaten in it themselves die also. Truth is a life eater, therefore no one nourished by truth will die"
Gospel of Philip.