Friday, September 5, 2014


            Note:  As a poet I deplore the simplistic rhyme scheme.
                       Remember, though, this was written with
                        sometimes cold and sometimes frozen fingers and a pencil
                         in the wind. The pencils I kept sharpening on the rock,
                          or with a knife I had sometimes in the pocket of my old
                            In my defence, there seems to be fluidity in the vision
                             that moves amid the heavily structured rhyme.
                                          I should also say, this poem could never have
                                been written had I not studied for four years with
                                 Northrop Frye  and had I not been intimately aware
                                   of the argument he was coming to make...
                                    and which was published in his book,
                                     "The Great Code".
                                           Also, had I not known Father David Belyea
                                      and studied with him and talked with him and been
                                        given great encouragement by him with regard to
                                          the beginning passages of the" New Gospel"
                                           which I showed to him. Had he not been my
                                             friend  and had he not appeared on my behalf
                                              at my trial, I would not be here today
                                               to share this poem.

Prayer and salutation:

           "O you saints and Bodhisattvas who encircle
the globe, you who have risen from death
or did not taste death, I hail thee!"
              "I ask you to aid me in this my task,
for I am weak and I can hardly breathe.
I am no longer capable of great discernment.
Help me this morning in revealing
The Song of Truth, written many mornings ago
on the cliff-tops above the waves,
in the dawn, in the mists and cold,
in the wind that froze my fingers."
             "O holy Father, Great One, you who stand
upon the clouds, you who know me, assist me
further in this simplistic task. O I praise Thee,
Great One, God of Israel, God of Abraham and Jacob,
God of William Blake, God of the semites, the gentiles,
the Hindus, the Sufis, God of the Americas
hear my plea."
                "You know my weakness and emptiness.
Fill me, please, with your Grace. For I am
an empty vessel, and I wish to be a host
to your being and your Word."
                 "I pray you, aid your poet in this
time of morning, aid me in this swirling
cloudy dawn, for I have need of you.
Without your Grace I am nothing, without
your Presence in this place
 there is nothing here. So I pray, 'Give me
your strength again Lord, fill me
with the wisdom of your Word.
For I know, as you have said to me:
'Grace is not contained in any book.
Grace is in the power of the Lord.' "


The land will be restored
The castle will be free;
And the Forgetting that is war
Will cease to be.

The Grail Quest is completed
Now there is only One;
The night in the dark chapel has ceased
Now that night is done.

A new Dawn is arising
As it has ever been
Floating beyond the horizon
Of the eyes of men.

A new Dawn is arising
Now the night is done;
For in  the Time of Morning
Everyone will come.

This is the Time of Morning,
Day has finally come;
And after this brightest Morning
The night of Forgetting is done.

For a new Dawn is rising
Amid the heaven and the earth;
And there shall be no Forgetting
After the second Birth.

And death will be forgotten
Men will rise from the sea
When the only begotten Son
Is Known and Seen.

The Father is guileless
He does not lie;
And he has begotten
One who does not die.

And, yes, you may know Him
But to see his Resting Place
Look closely in the mirror
At the lines of your own face;

For yes there is the Kingdom
In heaven and on earth;
And yes there is the Kingdom
Beyond death and birth.

The Father He has spoken
Of His Resting Place;
Others have broken His Words
With bad grace.

But the Father has uprooted
All that Forgetting has gleaned;
And Forgetting is forgotten
And all it hasn't seen.

There is One who is here now
One who ever speaks,
His words rest Eternal
Above thievery.

To you the door may open
If you need the key;
And One whose Words were broken by thieves
Will speak to you freely.

So, come now and be Returning
Now that Forgetting is done;
Come now and be returning
Know the True One.

So come now, be nourished
By the True Fruit of the Tree;
"Come now," says the True Son,
"And eat of Me."

Hear Him now He is speaking
At the Heart of the centuries;
Hear Him and He will give you
His Eternal Peace.

For whoever shall know Him
He no longer need waste his breath;
For whoever shall Know Him
Shall not taste of death.

This is the promise the Son has made,
This is the Father's bequest:
That whosoever shall see the One
Shall not taste of death;

These Words beyond possession
Beyond those possessing to possess;
He who finds the Meaning of these Words
Shall not taste of death.

The Father's Kingdom has arisen
Here upon the earth.
Those of you who will Know these Words
Will Know the second Birth.

Think on the Meaning
Of what is here Revealed
Clear your mind of other thoughts
Empty yourself of other zeals

And receive He who is the Source of Peace
Eat of the Living Son
As He has said: "Eat of Me
And see who you shall become."

"Know yourself, my beloved one,"
So does the True One speak:
"Know Yourself, my beloved,
And you shall know Me."

For "Before Abraham was, I am
Before birth and dying
Before all of these,
I am."

Such is His message to you
Which you may understand
You may join Him in His Resting Place
"Before Abraham was, I am."

There is One who will embrace you
At the heart of Time,
There is One who will embrace you
And delight your Mind.

Partake of this Communion
Enjoy this divine Food;
Join in the Reunion
That Remembering will bring to you.

                                   (C)1980 by the Author
                                        and by W.G.Milne