We have problems, all of us. Sometimes
it's difficult to get up in the morning. Depression
can destroy us. It's insidious and it can creep up
and rob us of our strength.
In the old days, I suppose they called this power
of doubt and darkness, they called it, "Satan."
Do you remember the old saying? "SATAN'S
In fact, it might be easier to fight a force
that we have made animate: Satan is a force we have
made animate.
The divine One, I AM THAT I AM, is the primary force.And "He" does not need strength from human consciousness:
though "HE" delights in our praise. In some sense he requires our worship, but only if it's freely given.
Satan is not a primary force. Satan is a secondary force. And just like Voodoo, He (It) requires the power
of human consciousness in order to gain "His" strength.
I'm not writing this to glorify myself. I am mortal within the soul of the Lord. I have endless failings, sins, and
inconsistencies. And I have lied and turned away many times, and I have been lost in Forgetfulness.
Mortal, very mortal...and weak. But as Lao Tzu
said: "START WITH COMPASSION TOWARDS YOURSELF...then harmony will begin around you."
... I have not been spiritually
unfaithful to the heart and soul and spirit of these people.
In this way, still I love them all. In this way I have
been true.
It is with their strength that I write this.
On my own, I have the strength to do nothing at all.
Also, the bodhisattvas and saints whose Mind circles the
globe, many times they have helped me.... constantly
they give me aid.
They are who we used to call angels. And angels
exist. They are an independent part of I AM THAT I AM.
In matters of the heart-mind, the spirit-soul,
faithfulness is important. And the One Who Is Creating
Us tends to take lies and deception seriously... in the matter
of His Eternal Truth, He takes lies seriously.
BE THE CHANGE you want to make in the world.
cliff-top text:
"Drink the waters of the fountain
I have dug. and you shall be as I am.
And being what I am, I shall breathe
into you new Breath. I shall be your
Comforter; I will not leave you
comfortless. You shall know Me
through My Word, and you shall not
taste death."
"I am always with you, nearer
than you think; and when you replace
an Eye for an eye, not in vengeance,
and not in pride, then you may see Me
as I always am, throughout unending
days and nights, I reach to you My
hand; I offer you My Sight."
"They have killed the Son,
but here I am, the true Heir
of the Garden."
"The Kingdom has come, but
men know it not."
"You have asked My Father
for the Son; My Father and I are One.
On the day of harvest the weeds will
appear, which the thief planted. You
too are a Thief, but with my blessing,
for what is yours in Mine. You will
help others to open the door."
"And now I must leave, if you
are to see Me. I must leave; so that
when I am gone, I will come to you,
and you will see what you need."
You will see Me and know Me
in your visions and your dreams.
When I am gone, I will come to you,
and you will see what you need."
"I have gone out to the roads and
streets, gutters and alleys and invited
everyone that they might have the last
supper with Me; all are invited; even
you, my friend the thief; make yourself
ready to eat."
A number of
Gospels were discovered at Nag Hammadi,
by the Nile River in
Egypt in 1945.
A library had
been hidden in a large earthen jar
of pottery. This
discovery will change the modern world,
and will certainly
change the Christian world.
When I
discovered the Gospel of Thomas in 1970,
and saw its
implications, I went into the woods and
built a cabin on a
cliff, a place of power. With no
distractions, no
electricity, no radio or T.V., no
telephone I started
working on the manuscript.
unbelievable things happened to me
as I was focusing on
the words of the Gospels.
The northern lights
circled directly above that
place, which I now
consider sacred.
As the weeks
turned into months and the
months passed, my
natural human abilities started
to return to me. There
was no road to the place.
There was a goat path
off to the side of the cliff
and slightly behind it.
The path was
a third of a mile long,
winding down steep
rocky hills to a dirt
After living in
the hut for some time,
my telepathic abilities
returned to me. I knew
if someone was walking
on my path long
before anyone arrived
to visit me.
Some passages
were impenetrable,
at least to me. I was
at a loss to finish
an inscrutable
sentence, and I sat still
for a time staring at
the page. I had
reached an impasse. I
had no idea
as to the meaning of an
passage that had been
The clouds
would open, the sun
would shine down
between the clouds,
and my hand would start
writing again.
Often I'd be trying to
figure out what
the top of the page
meant, when my hand was
writing the bottom of
the page. I had to
find out what the
bottom of the page meant
At such times,
passages were written
that there was no way
in this world I would
have had the courage to
write. And there is
no way I would have
thought such thoughts.
Here is one such
Once again, you
be the judge.
shall not send my son again,
be crucified in the world of men.
mankind will be crucified
the Christ.”
I didn't
confront this passage, nor did
I understand what it
means. There are
whole parts of the
Cliff-Top Writings
I haven't looked at in
twenty years.
But now I'm
getting older, and I
don't expect to live
forever. I want to finish
this task I started as
a young man.
manuscript is here before me.
* *
"Drink the waters of the fountain
I have dug. and you shall be as I am.
And being what I am, I shall breathe
into you new Breath. I shall be your
Comforter; I will not leave you
comfortless. You shall know Me
through My Word, and you shall not
taste death."
"I am always with you, nearer
than you think; and when you replace
an Eye for an eye, not in vengeance,
and not in pride, then you may see Me
as I always am, throughout unending
days and nights, I reach to you My
hand; I offer you My Sight."
"They have killed the Son,
but here I am, the true Heir
of the Garden."
"The Kingdom has come, but
men know it not."
"You have asked My Father
for the Son; My Father and I are One.
On the day of harvest the weeds will
appear, which the thief planted. You
too are a Thief, but with my blessing,
for what is yours in Mine. You will
help others to open the door."
"And now I must leave, if you
are to see Me. I must leave; so that
when I am gone, I will come to you,
and you will see what you need."
You will see Me and know Me
in your visions and your dreams.
When I am gone, I will come to you,
and you will see what you need."
"I have gone out to the roads and
streets, gutters and alleys and invited
everyone that they might have the last
supper with Me; all are invited; even
you, my friend the thief; make yourself
ready to eat."
* * *